The Rochdale Pioneers Museum

//The Rochdale Pioneers Museum

The Rochdale Pioneers Museum

On Saturday 21st of December 1844, the Rochdale Pioneers first opened their shop to the community, selling pure foods at affordable prices just before Christmas. In that same building is where the Rochdale Pioneers Museum is currently housed. It is located in Rochdale, England, and is often regarded as the birthplace of the modern co-operative principles and movement.

Kate Woodward and Cat Jessop talk to us about their roles at the museum, its history and  importance to the local Rochdale community, and why it is still just as relevant today as when the Pioneers first opened shop.



This episode aired on June 11, 2019.

By |2020-02-04T19:23:28-08:00November 27th, 2019|Show|0 Comments

About the Author:

Host and producer Joshua Peterman has been a member of the team since 2015 and is the show’s self appointed Leader of Sound Operations. The least likely member to get behind the microphone, Josh’s skills are at the sound board or editing. His background is in Audio Engineering and his passions lay with music and pop-culture. Josh is currently living in a fortified compound in Shaughnessy.

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