Monthly Archives: April 2024


Co-operatives First: Celebrating Milestones and Future Directions

Audra Kruger, Executive Director In this episode of Each For All: The Co-operative Connection, host Robin Puga dives deep into the world of co-operative development with two inspiring leaders from Co-operatives First. We are happy to welcome Audra Krueger, Executive Director, and Kyle White, Director of Education, who share their journey and insights [...]

By |2024-06-30T13:42:22-07:00April 30th, 2024|Show|0 Comments

Unleashing Renewable Energy and Tackling Food Waste: Earth Day episode 2024

In honour of Earth Day, 2024, hosts Robin Puga and Sandy Goldman explored two critical aspects of the social economy: renewable energy cooperatives and food waste reduction. Our guests, Dr. Martin Boucher and Carla Pellegrini, provided in-depth knowledge and passionate discourse on these topics. Dr. Martin Boucher, President of Community Energy Co-operative Canada [...]

By |2024-04-22T20:15:39-07:00April 22nd, 2024|Show|0 Comments