Co-op News for December 6, 2016

//Co-op News for December 6, 2016

    Co-op News for December 6, 2016


    • NewCo-operatives and Mutuals Canada President
      The Board of Directors for Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada elected Doug Potentier as President and Board Chair. Potentier replaces Ms. Lucie Moncion. Moncion stepped down after she was appointed to the Senate of Canada. Potentier is from Victoria, BC and the representative of Federated Co-operatives Limited.
    • Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHFBC) AGM Report
      Last week the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC held their annual general meeting. There’s some great detail on Co-op housing in BC in their AGM report on their website:
    • Roger Inman Memorial Award nominations
      The CCEC Credit Union is accepting nominations for the Roger Inman Memorial Award. This award is given annually to a project that makes a significant contribution to the economic development of the community. The award will be presented at the CCEC AGM on February 9, 2017.
    • Community Innovation & Social Enterprise Conference call for papers
      The Community Economic Development Network is seeking proposals for their 2017 Community Innovation & Social Enterprise Conference. The conference creates a venue to discuss practices, challenges, and innovations in social entrepreneurship and community livelihoods. The submission deadline is March 15, 2017.


    • Open 2107 Conference on Platform Cooperatives
      February 16 – 17, 2017
      Open 2017 is a two day conference on Platform Cooperatives being organized in conjunction with Goldsmiths, University of London
    • Community Innovation & Social Enterprise Conference
      July 12 – 14, 2017
      The conference brings together practitioners, researchers, and community organizations, from home and afar, to discuss current practices, challenges, and innovations in advancing social entrepreneurship and improving community livelihoods.

    If you have news you’d like to share email us at

    By |2016-12-06T20:24:22-08:00December 6th, 2016|News|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Host and senior producer Dale McGladdery began his co-op journey in 2014 when he joined the show. He came from the podcasting world to explore an interest in radio and happily discovered the world of co-ops hiding in plain sight. Dale’s day-job in the technology sector also means he’s the most likely one to be updating WordPress plugins. When he’s not working on the show you might find him playing board games, watching B-Movies, or attending live storytelling events around town.

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