Sandy Goldman

/Sandy Goldman

About Sandy Goldman

I love radio and pursue stories about people and communities working together to solve challenges creatively and often, with a lot of heart. It's the human side of the co-op model that intrigues me. That and any chance to travel, especially to smaller locales, where folks seem to know that co-operating just makes good sense!

Co-operative News Oct 6, 2020

  MEC Sale Approved - Members and Co-op Organizations Consider Further Court Challenge VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — Hundreds of Mountain Equipment Co-op members are working to salvage what’s left of their beloved co-operative and planning next steps at a town hall meeting Monday night. Meanwhile, co-operative sector groups, such as Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada haven’t [...]

By |2020-10-06T06:11:51-07:00October 6th, 2020|News|0 Comments

    Are the Kids Alright? K-12 Education and COVID-19

    In March, schools closed across Canada when COVID-19 took hold. Lessons moved online and parents pitched in when they could. All summer provincial premiers and public health officers promoted the importance of getting students back to school for their social and emotional well being, while keeping everyone safe. But parents demanded online options not wanting [...]

    By |2020-09-18T12:38:36-07:00September 18th, 2020|Show|0 Comments

    Co-operative News September 15, 2020

    MEC Members Oppose Sale of Co-op to U.S. Firm On September 14, news dropped that stunned members of Mountain Equipment Co-op; the assets of Canada’s largest consumer co-op will be sold to U.S.-based Kingswood Capital Management. MEC’s Board of Directors made the decision without consulting members, who are also voting shareholders. Today, two petitions began [...]

    By |2020-09-15T17:42:39-07:00September 15th, 2020|News|0 Comments

      Post-Secondary Education and COVID-19

      Students and staff in post-secondary programs had to adapt quickly once COVID-19 lockdowns began in March. Over the course of a weekend, in person classes went online, not always a smooth transition, and facilities and services were no longer available. Now, as the fall term begins, a "new normal" is in place. This transition has [...]

      By |2020-09-11T13:23:36-07:00September 11th, 2020|Show|2 Comments

      Co-operative News September 6, 2020

      Nanaimo Helps Stock The Lockers for Students   The Nanaimo-Ladysmith Foundation is once again partnering with local organizations to Stock the Lockers for local students. “While we’ve seen significant economic upheaval due to COVID-19, more children will be coming to school hungry, without supplies, shoes for PE or ill-fitting clothes” according to Foundation Executive Director [...]

      By |2020-09-07T18:24:40-07:00September 7th, 2020|News|0 Comments

      Co-operative News August 16, 2020

      Bus Stop Theatre Co-op Buys Building Halifax’s Bus Stop Theatre has finalized the purchase of its building after a two-year campaign! Previously, the co-op rented space in the building on Gottingen Street, but the whole place went up for sale in 2019. Executive Director Sebastien Labelle then rallied community members and with donations and funding [...]

      By |2020-08-16T10:05:48-07:00August 16th, 2020|News|0 Comments

        Oasis Active Aging in Place – A Preventive Alternative to Long-Term Care – Part 2

        In Part 1 of this series, we introduced Oasis Senior Supportive Living which promotes aging in place for seniors with activities to combat social isolation and foster good health. Oasis began in one apartment building in Kingston, Ontario 11 years ago. Members there have created a supportive community through social activities, communal meals and group [...]

        By |2020-07-30T13:51:16-07:00July 30th, 2020|Show|3 Comments

          Presentation House Theatre Launches New Co-op/Worker Co-ops and COVID-19

          Presentation House Theatre in North Vancouver is going co-op!?! Artistic Director Kim Selody explains how the co-op is a way to move forward during the COVID-19 pandemic and opens up opportunities for artists to collaborate and connect. Also, our Worker Co-op Sector Checkin with Chris Nichols of Woodshop Workers Co-op.

          By |2020-08-04T23:33:56-07:00July 21st, 2020|Show|0 Comments

            Oasis Active Aging in Place – A Preventive Alternative to Long-Term Care – Part 1

              The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on the inadequacies of long-term care for seniors with high rates of infection and subsequent deaths in these institutions. Moreover, the isolation, already felt by so many residents, has been made worse as family and caregiver visits were put on hold, only now beginning to resume in [...]

            By |2020-07-27T07:29:07-07:00July 14th, 2020|Show|2 Comments

            Co-operative News July 7, 2020

            New Arts Co-op a Response to COVID-19 Presentation House Theatre (PHT) in North Vancouver has created a co-operative as a way to pivot and move forward in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The new PHT Creative Hub Co-operative is an “opportunity to create a mutually supportive community of artists who feel a sense of connection [...]

            By |2020-07-07T10:34:09-07:00July 7th, 2020|News|0 Comments