CWCF 2016 Conference Report (part 2) – Co-op Interviews

//CWCF 2016 Conference Report (part 2) – Co-op Interviews

    CWCF 2016 Conference Report (part 2) – Co-op Interviews

    This was the 25th anniversary AGM for the Canadian Worker Co-op Federation ( It’s amazing the breadth of the worker co-op movement in Canada. I hear Worker Co-ops talked about a lot (granted I’m on the board of the BC Co-op Association), but I never really felt like I had a sense of who was working in the worker co-ops.

    We’re pleased to bring you a series of interviews from the 25th Anniversary AGM of the Canadian Worker Co-op Federation. Each For All producers Josh Peterman and I attended the conference and asked three questions:

    • Who are you?
    • What is your co-op?
    • What advice would you have for someone wanting to start a co-op like yours?

    Here’s what they all had to say.

    You’ll hear from brewery co-ops, landscaping and food producer co-ops, bicycle shop co-ops, information technology co-ops, chocolate producers, educators, bakers, designers, architects, builders, caterers and more. The worker co-op sector is as diverse as it is passionate. At the end of this hour you’ll understand.

    By |2016-11-28T09:04:03-08:00November 22nd, 2016|Show|0 Comments

    About the Author:

    Host and executive producer Robin Puga has been with Each For All from its beginning in 2006. Robin studied at the British Columbia Institute of Co-operative Studies (BCICS) and is active in the co-op community. In addition to working in the technology sector he’s a founding member of the CanTrust worker co-op and previous board member of the BC Co-op Association.