Verdict for SaveMEC Campaign and co-op sector checkins

//Verdict for SaveMEC Campaign and co-op sector checkins

Verdict for SaveMEC Campaign and co-op sector checkins

It took just three weeks for Mountain Equipment Co-operative to demutualize in front of our eyes. This fait accompli was painful wake up call to the co-operative sector. 

Our hope lies in what was accomplished in these three weeks, a member-led campaign with 150,000 signatures, a hugely successful GoFundMe campaign, a co-operative legal battle. Hundreds of member volunteers trying to make a difference and save a beloved social economy asset.  

Tonight Each For All continues our search for answers as to how we can stop this from happening again to other co-operatives. We begin with an update on the campaign and legal ruling. Later, we return to our co-operative sector checkins to find out the important issues for co-operatives as we head into a provincial election during a pandemic and economic recovery. 

Guests include:

  • Kevin Harding – campaign co-organizer
    Co-op Sector Checkin Panel

    Co-op Sector Checkin Panel

  • John Kay, President of the board for Co-ops and Mutuals of Canada, Vice-Chair of the British Columbia Co-operative Association and CEO, Realize Strategies 
  • Thom Armstrong, CEO, Co-operative Housing Federation of B.C.
    Shares the latest news on co-op housing developments and on the challenges facing our local housing co-ops.

  • Ross Gentleman, Former GM of CCEC and a blogger on credit union matters at
By |2020-10-13T23:14:07-07:00October 5th, 2020|Show|0 Comments

About the Author:

Host and executive producer Robin Puga has been with Each For All from its beginning in 2006. Robin studied at the British Columbia Institute of Co-operative Studies (BCICS) and is active in the co-op community. In addition to working in the technology sector he’s a founding member of the CanTrust worker co-op and previous board member of the BC Co-op Association.

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